Sunday, July 13, 2014

Lakin' it--Davkin Style

The adventures continue....this time to the lake! The day after the 4th Curt and I headed up to Travis' parents' lake house (I don't understand apostrophes). It was so much fun! I was wore out by the end of the day. I am pretty sure I fell asleep on the way home, then again that's not new for me, ha! 

played badminton
laid out in the sun
celebrated Travis' birthday
ate birthday cake
drove the boat around
jumped off a rock (Monica and I did not really want to do that one)
wake boarded (well I attempted--I believe I was described as a squatting frog)
saved a stray dog--we will forever remember you Gumby
played more badminton
had a bonfire

I would say that was a pretty successful day!

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